How to Transform Your Existing Content into Engaging Videos: 5 Creative Ways

Repurpose Content


Corporate videos are videos made for a business. The videos can take on many forms, including marketing, testimonials, product promos, social media and more

Finding out what your client needs, talking about the budget, writing a good script, hiring the right crew and lots of planning are essential parts of pre-production to ensure a successful video.

Get it right in camera, shoot your video well, capture good sound then edit it to perfection using good sound design and the right music. Pay attention to pacing and the length of the video to keep your viewers engaged

The constant demand for quality content can put a lot of pressure on B2B businesses and marketers. Creating new video content requires a lot of effort and planning, as well a healthy budget. There are times when resources are in short supply, but you still need to have something valuable to offer your target audience. This is where repurposing comes in handy, but you may be unsure of how to go about it. We’ve got 5 great ways to repurpose your existing content and turn it into amazing videos.

Why repurpose video content?

Creating new video content takes time, effort, and money. Since you’ve already invested in great pieces of content, re-purposing what you’ve already got gives it even more value. You save time when you re-purpose, but you also stretch the benefits of that existing piece.  It’s important to always be adding value for your audience and increasing your reach, whether it’s through social media, advertising campaigns, or your own website. Taking a well-crafted piece of content and reworking it in a way that makes it useful on another platform helps you achieve those goals. You can reach a new audience without having to create something entirely new. For companies you have years-worth of material to work with, it’s an incredibly versatile option. You can refresh old content, bring it up to date, and expand on topics that you’ve touched on in the past. Let’s explore 5 different kinds of content that you can use to make new videos for marketing:   1) Turn how-to blog posts into explainer videos Blog posts that serve as how-to’s or guides are often full of useful, detailed information. They’re often some of the lengthiest types of content that marketers create and use. With so much helpful information in one place, it makes sense to want to re-purpose it and use it in different ways. Take those informative posts and turn them into awesome explainer videos. You’ll be giving your audience info that they already want and need, but in a way that’s easy to absorb, remember, and share. Not to mention the fact that many people simply don’t have the time to sit and read through a detailed blog post, but they do have the time and the attention span to watch a cool video. You can extract more from your blog post, expand on some points, and reach a new audience at the same time. If you’re thinking that a long, detailed post might have too much essential information to be cut down into a short video, think again. Go through the post and pull out the key details that the audience needs to know. Determine the best bits that can be represented visually, whether through animation, demonstration, or even just text on the screen. Bring the main message to life in a fun, but still informative way. 2) Take an email series and turn it into a webinar Go back through your content library to see if you’ve run a series that you sent out to your subscribers or hosted a workshop in the past. Take that content and break it down into a webinar. Webinars are an excellent tool for lead generation. They demonstrate your expertise and put your knowledge and insight on full display. Beyond building your authority, you can use them to pitch products and services or run them as a workshop. Either way, they’ll provide a lot of value to your viewers. If you’ve ever run an email series or even a blog post series, you can turn that into video webinar content. Webinars can be streamed live on social sites, but they can also be recorded and uploaded. You can use webinars on your social media profiles, LinkedIn page, and more. 3) Transcribe podcast episodes into text-based videos Podcasts are a popular way for businesses and marketers to boost their authority. They’re a great method for connecting with the audience and capturing their attention for extended periods of time. Repurposing podcasts to create videos is a smart way to get more out of your content. There are a few different options for repurposing podcasts. One easy way is to simply transcribe an episode or clips from the episode into text-based videos. You can include still shots in the background or just go with a solid screen to highlight the text. Another option is to actually film the recording of the podcast. Either way, taking that material and turning it into a text-based visual format on video is a great way to get even more out of your episodes. 4) Break down longer videos into quick clips This is an easy way to stretch the value of any piece of existing content, including videos you already have. Simply break the content down into smaller clips to make quick, easily digestible, and more memorable videos. This works for marketing videos, blog posts, podcasts, web and email series, internal company videos, etc. It’s a great trick to get more engagement, views, and shares. People will be more inclined to share a short clip that’s funny, entertaining, or interesting.  5) Use internal company videos as a look behind-the-scenes Internal videos that your company uses for educational or training purposes can give your audience a peek behind-the-scenes. It lets your audience get a feel for the company culture, which can endear them to your brand. They’ll get a more intimate look at how the business is run and the faces behind it all. Another benefit to internal training videos is that they can also provide your viewers with useful information. Why keep it to yourselves when you can share that insight and knowledge with your target market? Think of these videos as a marketing opportunity. You don’t have to use the entirety of a video, just pick out the most relevant and interesting bits. Edit them together in a cohesive and easy to understand way. Conclusion There are so many simple and effective ways to take existing content and turn it into amazing videos. By doing so you’ll save time and money while expanding your audience and building up your content library. You can reach more people by taking already useful material and making it into content that best suits various platforms. While one segment of your audience may get great value out of longer form content like podcasts, others will connect best through quick clips posted on social media. Re-purpose when you can to make the most of all forms of your amazing content.

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